Hello everyone!
Enjoy parenthood to the fullest with your babies. These small little ones will soon be toddlers, then kids and then adults. And then you are going to miss this time. These memories are precious. Make them memorable.
Today I am talking about your baby's teeth. Many parents are worried about their little one's teeth. So, here is a complete guide to help you and to make you stress free.
The growth of your baby's teeth is an exciting time in their development, although the teething cries may not mean it feels like it. By the time your baby is three, they'll probably have 20 teeth, which is pretty amazing. They'll get most of their "baby teeth" during toddler hood, starting from around six months old. Some babies can even have their teeth earlier , as my children have their first two teeth when they are of four months.
Your baby is born with "buds" on their gums, and it's in these areas that the 20 teeth will "erupt" and form into proper baby teeth. It's usually pretty straightforward, but sometimes the tooth-growing process doesn't always go to plan. Sometimes teeth might grow in the wrong order, or develop too close together, or there could be a delay in tooth-growth that might prompt a trip to your GP.Kinds of baby teeth
There are five different kinds of teeth that your baby will grow in their first two years. They are:- Central incisors
- Lateral incisors
- Canines
- First molars
- Second molars
Babies usually get their front teeth first, but sometimes they come slightly out of order. This isn't usually a cause for concern, but here's a rough guide of which teeth should come when:
- 6-10 months bottom central incisors
- 8-12 months top central incisors
- 9-13 months top lateral incisors
- 10-16 months bottom lateral incisors
- 13-19 months top first molars
- 14-18 months bottom first molars
- 16-22 months top canines
- 17-23 months bottom canines
- 23-31 months bottom second molars
- 25-33 months top second molars
Although your baby's teeth growth might be different, experts say there is a general pattern.
According to a famous dentist
The buds of different teeth grow at different rates.First to emerge, at around six months, will be her bottom two front teeth, followed a month or so later by her upper middle teeth, her central incisors. At nine to 12 months, she’ll get four more, one on either side of these central teeth, and these are her lateral incisors.
These usually emerge in pairs, two on one side, then two on the other. At around 14 months, her first molars – bigger, with a flat surface to crush food – will appear top and bottom, leaving a gap between them and her incisors. At 18 months, four sharper canine teeth fill this gap at both gums top and the bottom: these are used to tear food. At around 26 months, 2 pairs of second molars will emerge at the back of her mouth, with broad flat surfaces to grind up her food.
When is it normal for my baby to teethe?
Every baby is different, some may start teething at four to seven months and some may not get their first teeth until they're around one. As I already told you my children have their teeth when they were of four months. Sometimes babies are even born with one or two teeth - it's largely down to genetics.How can I tell if something is wrong with my baby's teeth?
The order in which your baby's teeth arrive is actually less important than other factors, like the spacing between them and disease prevention. Because baby teeth are much smaller than adult teeth, there should be plenty of space between them to allow room for the adult teeth to grow. Ideally you should check your baby's teeth every four months and visit a pediatric dentist or your GP if you're worried that your baby's teeth are growing too close together.You might be surprised to know that baby teeth are at a higher risk of tooth decay, causing an increased risk of:
Teething problems tend to happen more frequently in babies born prematurely, so if your baby was born pre-term, consider keeping a closer eye on their teeth. If no teeth have appeared by the time your baby is 18 months old, take them to see a dentist.
Toys to comfort your baby's teeth
When your baby’s teeth begin to come in, it’s an exciting time for parents, but not so much for babies. Your little one is developing teeth, which means that solid food isn’t as far off as you think it is—that first year flies by! But for your baby, it’s a time of confusion, discomfort and pain. Your baby will be more fussy, and they will cry more, even if they were generally happy babies before this.Unless you want your baby to chew on their fingers or to sacrifice your own fingers to your teether, you need to have teething toys in your arsenal to provide relief to your baby’s sore gums during this stage. Chewing on their fingers or yours is also not the best thing for them. Teething toys are more carefully and thoughtfully designed nowadays. There are also sorts of bumps, grooves and different textures, all made out of food-grade silicone, that are made to massage your little one’s gums in different ways.
Brightly colored, soft, chew-able, easy-to-grip and refrigerator-friendly, these teething toys will become one of the most important toys for your little one while their teeth are coming in. These toys help in developing flexibility in their little hands and in sensory development. Some teething toy sets even comes with a gentle, silicone fruit-shaped toothbrush, which will promote oral hygiene at a young age.
I hope this post will help you in deciding whether to go to a dentist for your baby or not. If you like my post share it with your friends to help them and stay connected with me.
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