All parents have their own unique way of bringing up their children. They try their best to lift them but no one is perfect. So when they look back, they all want to fix some mistakes made in the past. Here are some things they regrets.Therefore, you can avoid making the same mistakes that they scolded their children too many times. It is perfectly normal for a child to be reprimanded for doing something wrong. But sometimes the parents go overboard and it turns into night picking.
Some parents believe that their expectations will be more successful for their children than they will be in the future. But it certainly does not work that way.
Scolding a child too much
Scolding a child for every minor mistake can lead to behavior problems. Penalties for poor grades are also harmful. They can kill the desire to learn in any child. And of course being very strict can be another big aspect of your relationship with your child. So you should only punish your children for things that really matter and punishing for a broken cup, not to be on that list.
Create memories
They missed the most important moments of their children's lives. Of course, every parent has a lot of commitments and it is not easy to do them all. But children are in dire need of parents for them. Some opportunities that might not seem important to an adult really mean much to children. Children are required to hold someone close to them at such moments. Even if you think you have a good reason to miss your child's school play, you stay present. Got time to meet grandma. Visit the theater to decorate your home for the holidays as your bond with your children is strengthened by creating memories together. Otherwise you will feel bad about how many great moments you have overcome in future.Be creative
They did not play enough creative games. Of course, Just playing creative games with your children does not necessarily make them great artists or musicians in the future. But hey there is always a chance. There are many other benefits from doing this as well. Any type of activity such as drawing or playing with Plato has a positive effect on developing their intelligence and enhancing their vocabulary. Also, if your child is engaged in a lot of different activities, it makes it easier for you to find out what they are interested in and what they are good at. This is important because they can show promising potential even at a young age and develop them later.Capture moments
They did not take enough pictures and videos. Obviously not taking photos will not have a bad effect on your child's life, but it is the best way to capture stunning moments that you don't want to forget. When your children grow up and move out of the house, the photos will be there to remind you of how long they have come. In addition to seeing those photos with your grown up children, you leave all your milestones and those beautiful memories together. This is why it is often quite regretful not to use a camera to which many parents can relate. And even though we live in a digital world, having a classic photo album can be a good family tradition.Consider child's opinion
They did not take into consideration their child's opinion. You are too young to decide. Adults know better that are probably the phrases you heard most often when you were a child. It was disturbing right. But such attitude of parents can have a serious impact on the future of a child. If children feel that their opinion is often neglected. They can be unsafe and it is logical if you think about it. How can you know what you want from life or set your goals to achieve. If there was always someone who would decide for you. Of course as a parent you cannot accompany your children with every wish or desire. I mean your child can't actually bring home every stray dog they meet. Really match your wife's job. But instead of simply refusing to explain to the child why it is a bad idea. In some other cases you can discuss their opinion and meet halfway.Communicate with child
Parents did not enjoy communicating with his child. Dialogue between parents and children is perhaps the most important in parenting. So if you do not have enough time for this even for a day you will wake up and realize that your child is already grown up and is spending his life. Of course it is perfectly fine to do things around the house when your child is playing alone. But try not to change it into a habit. Because children need not only your physical presence but also emotional engagement to make them feel that they are loved and cared for. There is no time back. So let yourself enjoy the moments that you spend together.Financial knowledge
They did not educate them about money. Some parents avoid the topic of money with their children for some reason. These children do not believe that money grows on a tree, but they think that it is just magically appears in ATM machines. Without education on personal finances and responsible expenses, children do not understand the real value of money and get it when they grow up. As they get older they find it difficult to manage their income. Giving your children some pocket money will teach them how to save and spend wisely. Also you can let your teenager earn his money. They can mimic the lawn of a neighbor or midwife every time you go shopping together. Tell your children how much money they can spend this time to limit their desires. All these tips will give your children opportunities to learn about things like budget savings and being more responsible.Make your child happy
They could not make their child happy enough. Good memories from our childhood are a real treasure for most of us. We like to go back to our minds at a time when we were careless and often. Every day was filled with doing something for the first time. Every child should have a lot of new experiences and live in a healthy environment. This makes them happy. And when children are happy they develop more actively which means they will find it easier to adapt to adult life and start new relationships in the future. So go to an amusement park riding pony and sail a boat with your child. Try to do something exciting at least once a day to ensure that your child has as many happy moments in his life.Embrace your child
They often did not embrace their children. A hug is not only the perfect way to show affection but also scientifically proves to be good for our health as they help protect from stress. Also it is good to just hug your child. Unfortunately sometimes parents do not do as often as they should. Some of them feel that being too affectionate with a child may make them less obedient. Others, especially if we talk about infants, assume that holding and hugging the child at all times means that they will be very demanding in the future. But the truth is that older children get as little as they want to hug. So enjoy the hag with your children.Give your child some space
They were persistent. Continuity may be one of the biggest challenges in just growing up. For example, you usually do not let your children eat unhealthy food, but suddenly you get stuck at work and give them pizza for lunch. The next thing you know they are asking for this for every meal. It can feel next to impossible for your children to maintain the exact same standards daily. But parents often regret not trying to do so. Children get confused about what is allowed and what is not. Without clear boundaries. They probably won't behave the way you want them to and obedience issues become unavoidable.Set your own rules
Also don't forget that you should follow your own rules to set an example. During family dinner, no phone means no phone for everyone. They often followed someone else's advice. There are people who just can't help, even if no one advises for it. And sometimes young inexperienced parents feel that it is better to listen to them. Such experts have a lot of knowledge about how to feed and raise your children. Of course it can be something useful and sensible but never forget that you are a parent. So it is up to you to decide what is best for your children.Don't let strangers scold your child
Also do not let strangers scold your child for misbehavior. A child needs to feel that there is always someone who will support and protect them. So tell them that they can always count on you.So what is your favorite childhood memory. Let me know in the comments if you will learn anything new today. But hey don't go eating pizza for lunch right now.
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nice one👍